Thursday, 24 October 2013

Questionnaire Results for "Public Profile"

These are my results from the "Public Profile" questionnaire, set out in the form of pie charts.
Your Gender:

 On average, how much do you roughly spend on music in general?
 On average, how much do you spend on music magazines monthly?

On average, how much do you spend on general consumer products weekly?

What is your current occupation?

If in work (either full time or part time), under what field is your employment?


Questionnaire Results for "Magazine Wants"

Here are my results from the  "magazine wants" questionnaire, in pie chart form.
 Your gender:
Your age:
On average, how much do you spend on music in general monthly?

On average, how much do you spend on music magazines monthly?

How often do you illegally download music?

How often do you legally download music?

How often do you buy music magazines?

How do you listen to music?

How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?

How often would you like a magazine release?

Thursday, 17 October 2013

My Photography Blog

I have created a photography blog that I will use to upload photos (both general and subject related) and, often, analyse them.

This should also be updated regularly.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Questionnaire for Public Profile


Please circle your answers

Your gender:   Male   Female   Other


Your age:   12-14   15-17   18-21   21+


On average, how much do you roughly spend on music in general monthly?

£0   £1.00-£2.00   £2.01-£3.00   £3.01-£4.00   £4.00-£5.00   £5.01+


On average, how much do you spend on music magazines monthly?

£0   £1.00-£2.00   £2.01-£3.00   £3.01-£4.00   £4.00-£5.00   £5.01+


On average, how much do you spend on general consumer products weekly?

£0.00-£5.00   £5.01-£10.00   £10.01-£15.00   £15.01-£20.00 £20.01-£25.00 £25+


What is your current occupation? (State more than one if necessary)

School   College   University   Employment (Full Time)   Employment (Part Time)


If in work (either full time or part time), under what field is your employment?

Science   Mathematics   Media   Music   English  Languages   Other (please state):_______

This is my second questionnaire. I composed this questionnaire in order to gain an understanding of the public, so that I can understand their lives outisde of the magazine, including their everyday purchases and occupations. I feel that this will help me add more to the magazine that the public can relate to, as well as being affordable, working with their weekly costs.


Questionnaire for Public Magazine Research


Please circle your answers

Your gender:   Male   Female   Other


Your age:   12-14   15-17   18-21   21+


On average, how much do you roughly spend on music in general monthly?

£0   £1.00-£2.00   £2.01-£3.00   £3.01-£4.00   £4.00-£5.00   £5.01+


On average, how much do you spend on music magazines monthly?

£0   £1.00-£2.00   £2.01-£3.00   £3.01-£4.00   £4.00-£5.00   £5.01+


How often do you illegally download music?

Never   Rarely   Often   Always


How often to you legally download music?

Never   Rarely   Often   Always


How often do you buy music magazines?

Never   Rarely   Often   Every Issue


How do you listen to music?

TV   Radio   MP3 Device   Phone   Computer   Internet   CD’s


How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?

£0   £1.00-£2.00   £2.01-£3.00   £3.01-£4.00   £4.00-£5.00   £5.01+


How often would you like a magazine release?

Weekly    Monthly   Fortnightly

This is one of my two questionnaires. This questionnaire is in order for me to gain knowledge regarding the preferred choices of the public within the magazine industry.
I have also created a second questionnaire in order to gain knowledge regarding the public. I would like to create a public profile so that I can add certain sections to the magazine that will attract the public. I will be posting this shortly.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Feature Article Analysis

This slideshare presents all four analysis's of the feature articles.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Magazine Cover Analysis

This is my first analysed magazine cover. I am to analyse three more in the near future.

Magazine Contents Pages (2) Plus - Final Decision

I have analysed four contents pages altogether with the NME contents pages included. In this Prezi, I have decided which contents page I have decided on, with my reasons for each decision explained.

Magazine Contents Pages (1)

These are the first two contents pages I have looked into. I found them from my main magazine style model, NME. However, I am also going to study two magazine contents pages from the magazine, Q. This is with the intention of gaining a wider idea of different style models that I could consider.

I will choose one of the four contents pages, and I will declare it as my style model for my contents page.

NME Magazine Research

Indie Magazine Research

I have looked into three different magazines of the Indie genre. I have analysed them, and decided on which magazine would be my main style model.
I have decided that NME will be my style model, due to my background knowledge on the magazine, familiarity of artists, and fondness of the layouts.