Please circle your answers
Your gender: Male
Female Other
Your age:
12-14 15-17
18-21 21+
On average, how much do you roughly spend
on music in general monthly?
£0 £1.00-£2.00 £2.01-£3.00
£3.01-£4.00 £4.00-£5.00 £5.01+
On average, how much do you spend on music
magazines monthly?
£0 £1.00-£2.00 £2.01-£3.00
£3.01-£4.00 £4.00-£5.00 £5.01+
How often do you illegally download music?
Rarely Often Always
How often to you legally download music?
Rarely Often Always
How often do you buy music magazines?
Rarely Often Every Issue
How do you listen to music?
Radio MP3 Device
Phone Computer Internet
How much would you be willing to pay for a
music magazine?
£0 £1.00-£2.00 £2.01-£3.00
£3.01-£4.00 £4.00-£5.00 £5.01+
How often would you like a magazine
Monthly Fortnightly
This is one of my two questionnaires. This questionnaire is in order for me to gain knowledge regarding the preferred choices of the public within the magazine industry.
I have also created a second questionnaire in order to gain knowledge regarding the public. I would like to create a public profile so that I can add certain sections to the magazine that will attract the public. I will be posting this shortly.