Thursday, 24 April 2014

BFI Film Academy - 100 Odd Years of Cinema

From January to March, I was part of the BFI Film Academy - The Film Business, at the Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle.

I had a wonderful time there, and over the weeks, we created this film reel. We made these through the 'swede-a-classic' style. So, with little to no budget on our hands, we created what we could in the shortest time possible.

Here's the results.

BFI Academy 2014 - 100 Odd years of Cinema from Northern Stars on Vimeo.

EVALUATION: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

My final evaluation question has been answered by a talk-to-camera Vimeo video.
Media Evaluation Q7 from Eden Hall on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

EVALUATION: Question 6

What have you learnt about new technologies from the process of creating this product?

I have answered the sixth evaluation question with a Prezi.

EVALUATION: Question 5

I have created a Prezi to answer question five of the evaluation.

EVALUATION: Question 4

What would be the audience for your media product?

I have created a slideshow with my voiceover to answer this question for my evaluation.

EVALUATION: Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I have used a Prezi to answer the third evaluation question.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Audience Response

I filmed an an audience response video and asked the audience some set questions that I recently posted on the blog (that I will repost at the bottom of this post).

I asked two audience members alone, one group of two and a group of three in order to get ranged responses. I also asked a range of males and females to get a wide and broad response.

I provided each group/individual with a set of sheets:
- The cover.
- The contents page.
- The feature article.

I provided these sheets in order for the audience to give a response straight from seeing the magazine up close, as if they were reading the magazine after purchase, rather than making them answer the questions from memory, which wouldn't have been fair on them, and would have ruined the fairness of my answers.

Filmed Responses Questions

Do you like the magazine?

YES – What parts of the magazine do you like?

Would you purchase this magazine if it were on sale?

Do you feel that the Indie genre was successfully portrayed within the magazine?

What was your favourite section of the magazine?


Did you like the photos? Were there any that stood out?


Did you like the colour scheme throughout the magazine?

Did you like the fonts, and were they easy on the eye and easy to read?


Is this a magazine that you would recommend to friends and family?

Do you feel that this magazine is appropriate for your age range?

Which part of the magazine was the most effective?


Which part of the magazine was the least effective?

EVALUATION: Question 2.

How does your media product represent social groups?

I have used GoAnimate to answer my second evaluation question.

How does your media product represent social etc. by thegardenofedenhall on GoAnimate