Friday, 30 January 2015

Ancillary Task - Film Review (Screenshot 4)

As I am creating my review to look as though it featured in "Little White Lies", I am beginning to adapt my article to their stereotypical expectations. I have started by splitting the text into three columns, rather than two, which is how I originally had it.

Friday, 23 January 2015

What's Next?

The next section that I am planning to film is the adult confession scene. This wont take long to film as it will only be a few different shots (a few close ups, a two shot tracking shot, etc.) and isn't a long scene.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 10)

I am currently unsure if I'm going to keep the stars. If I am, I am also undecided if I would like the keep all of the stars yellow, or if I'd like to make some of the stars white, as shown below.

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 9)

I have added several hand drawn  stars to the poster. I wanted to give off a "Silver Linings Playbook" poster vibe, with the hand drawn images, however I am currently unsure as of whether or not I'm keeping them.

Ancillary Task - Film Review (Screenshot 3)

I have increased the font size of the text, and have added "Written by Connor Thompson, Chief Editor" to the end of the text.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 8)

I have now added two film reviews and a website link.

Ancillary Task - Film Review (Screenshot 2)

I have completed the writing for my film review article. I now need to take the photo to complete it.

Ancillary Task - Film Review (Screenshot 1)

I am currently working on both of my ancillary tasks. My blog might become slightly confusing over the following how ever many posts whilst I update my poster, film review, and filming schedule. I'm apologising in advance!
This is my first screenshot of my film review article. I am maintaining the simplicity of the poster, and maintaining the basic colour scheme.

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 7)

I have now added "JORDAN THOMPSON" and "DAVID CONNELLY" to the poster. I have included their names as if they had a large fanbase, their fans would immediately see the film if they saw that they featured in it.

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 6)

I have now added film credits at the bottom of the poster. I am contemplating over whether or not I should move it to the right or keep it in the centre.

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 5)

I have now added awards onto the poster in yellow, ensuring that they stand out against the black. I have also added "JUNE 2015" to the bottom of the poster, also in yellow, standing out once again.
I quite like my poster at the moment. I feel it isn't too modern, whilst it isn't vintage. It is in a general time setting, appropriate as my short film is set within many periods.

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 4)

(Happy 100th post!!) I have currently settled with the title "In Unison"; a dance term which means to do something together. I have also added "A film by Eden Hall", to enhance the authenticity of the poster.

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 3)

I decided that I strongly disliked the colour, title, and and title font of the poster, and so I started again. I decided to go for a black background, so that I could have white and yellow text, standing out from the background, catching the audiences eye. The white box is where I plan on inserting a photo or several.


Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Teenage Dialogue Scene - FILMED!

I have now filmed the dialogue scene for the teenage segment of my short film. I have created this slide show to show some pictures I took during filming.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

(PODCAST) Filming Update

Today I'm filming with Connor Dalrymple (who has volunteered to help with sound on my short film) and my two leading actors, Jordan and David. We are filming one of the teenage scenes, and one of the adult scenes. I have recorded a podcast to explain this further.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 2)

I am considering using a blue as a background colour, if the photo I take doesn't have an appropriate background. Thinking about it, I have my doubts as of whether or not ill use a block colour instead of an image's background.
I have also began to try thinking of a name for the short film. At the moment, I am considering the name currently shown, 'Laissez-faire', which translates as "The policy of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering".

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 1)

I have decided to make my poster at the size of a landscape A4 sheet. I am using Photoshop to create my poster.
Here is a screenshot to show the plain beginning. I will screenshot each time that I make progress.

Film Poster Analysis (Ancillary Task Research)

Here is a PowerPoint with several analysed film posters.