Thursday, 26 February 2015

Ancillary Task - Film Review (Screenshot 5)

I have changed my film review layout quite significantly. I have changed the positioning of the title, as well as adding the "directed by" segments, etc. I have also made the text smaller so i could fit the ratings in the corner.

Teenage Dance Scene (Behind the Scene Shots)

((Hi to my new Romanian friends!!)) Over the school half term, I came into school to film one of my scenes. Another student, Oliver, came to take some behind the scenes shots for me. Here they are.

Significant Changes

Unfortunately, Jordan will no longer play Emily in my short film. This is due to our clashing schedules and a significant amount of work on both parts. We decided that it was for the best that I recast the part of Emily. I have now cast Rebecca Graham. Rebecca is a hardworking and enthusiastic student who is passionate about acting, and so I know that I can rely on her.
This is Rebecca.