Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Ancillary Task - Film Review (Screenshot 7)

After checking it over, it came to my attention that I hadn't used the correction proportions for the "Little White Lies" magazine. After some corrections after receiving some feedback from my teacher and peers, I have resulted in this film review. I might need to correct a few aspects, and I need to fix the photo as it still includes the temporary photo, however I am currently quite happy with this.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Audience Response of my First Draft

I have completed my first draft of my short film. I asked four individuals to watch it and give me their opinions so that I could accommodate my audience and provide them with what they want to see.
Here is the Prezi to present their opinions:

Friday, 13 March 2015

Ancillary Task - Film Review (Screenshot 6)

Regarding my previous post, I have now tried placing the image on my review instead of the poster. I prefer it on here, as although it is a nice image, I don't feel it is appropriate for a film poster.
This image has not been fully edited, hence the jagged edges on the individuals, and the background, which is only temporary.

Changes to the Script

Due to some filming issues, I've had to rewrite the script to some extent. The segment I had to rewrite is the first scene involving Emily and Thomas as children.
When rereading my script, I decided that the first scene was possibly the weakest. For this reason, I decided to write the scene as Rebecca Graham and David Connelly meeting for the first time. Emily (Rebecca) is dancing in the school theatre, and Thomas (David) accidentally stumbles across her whilst trying to find a place to practice. Emily strikes up a conversation, connoting her confidence, and Thomas shyly replies. By the end of the scene, Thomas and Emily move into a starting dance position which leads into the second scene where the two are in a dace competition.
I have filmed this scene and I am much happier with this alteration is it felt much more doable compared to my first idea.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Ancillary Task - Film Poster (Screenshot 11)

Unfortunately, I have ran slightly behind my filming and working schedule due to clashing of free time between myself and the actors. However, yesterday I was able to take photos of the two in order to get my Ancillary Tasks completed as soon as possible. I am currently trying out this photo, however I am tempted to try it out on my article, rather than for the poster. I don't feel it has a strong enough impact to be the poster.
I also have a dance studio image in the background, however, this is just a photo from the internet as I have not yet had the opportunity to take photos of backgrounds.