Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Locke (2013)

I recently went to the Tyneside Cinema with two others to see "Locke", directed by the talented Steven Knight.

The Tyneside Cinema is situated in the heart of Newcastle, by Grey's Monument. The Tyneside not only screens independent (and some blockbusters, but only on occasion) films, but it also runs clubs for the elderly, gives tours of their cinema and facilities, and even holds workshops and film schools, such as Northern Stars, The Pop-Up Film School, and various BFI Film Academies (I attended "BFI: The Film Business" Academy, where I participated in the creation of a "Swede-a-Classic" show reel, visited London to meet successful members of the industry, and also visited Glasgow to enjoy the film festival). The Tyneside is personally one of my favourite places to visit, hence the reasoning behind my visit there on this occasion.
As previously mentioned, myself, Rebecca Graham, and Callum York, went to the Tyneside Cinema to watch "Locke". I had suggested we see a film that night, regardless of what was on. I suggested this, as we often enjoy going to see a film we have little knowledge on.
In all honesty, I didn't expect have high expectations for this film. I wondered how one could produce a full feature length film with repeated shots and one location. I wondered how one would have such skill as to maintain the interest of the audience. I wondered how the lighting would maintain during the shot. I had my doubts.
However, I was extremely pleasantly surprised!
I thoroughly enjoyed the film form start to finish. Who would have thought a film about a man making constant phone calls concerning concrete, labour, and family issues would keep the viewers so on edge, dying to see the film reach it's climax.
The film features Ivan Locke, a family man living an average life. We meet Locke on the night before his largest work project to date. However, from a series of phone calls, we learn of the difficulties that also face him on this fateful night. Locke has a single car journey to make the necessary phone calls and try to make things right.
A riveting plot with suspense from start to finish.
My rating: 4.5/5

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